RO: Salutare! Cate dintre voi nu v-ati dori sa aveti o silueta de invidiat? Sa se uite toata lumea cu admiratie la voi? Ei bine asa cum deja stiti acest lucru este posibil prin sport si o dieta potrivita. Cu toate acestea eu vreau nu doar sa va arat cu ce produse puteti face asta ci si cum puteti obtine bani din vanzarea lor. De un lucru puteti fi sigure: exista mii de femei care gandesc ca voi si care din diverse motive nu au putut inca sa isi cumpere produsele necesare.
ENG: Howdy! How many of you would not like to have an enviable figure? Let everyone look at you with admiration? Well, as you already know, this is possible through sports and a suitable diet. However, I don’t just want to show you which products you can do this with, but also how you can get money from selling them. You can be sure of one thing: there are thousands of women who think like you and who for various reasons have not yet been able to buy the necessary products.
RO: Primul motiv este distanta. Firma de la care va recomand sa cumparati nu este din Romania, deci va dura ceva zile, chiar saptamani pana sa ajunga coletul. In plus costul de transport pentru un produs versus pentru o gama de produse este mai mare. Voi ati rezolva aceasta problema, le-ati asigura transport rapid si ieftin si ati scoate si profit. Tot ce trebuie voi sa faceti este un magazin online pe care sa comercializati dar si de cateva produse, ca de exemplu butt lifting shapewear. Mai apoi veti apela la Waistdear pentru a va furniza stocul de produse necesar pentru inceperea vanzarilor.
ENG: The first reason is distance. The company I recommend you to buy from is not from Romania, so it will take a few days, even weeks until the package arrives. In addition, the cost of transportation for one product versus for a range of products is higher. You would solve this problem, you would provide them with fast and cheap transport and you would also make a profit. All you have to do is an online store to sell and some products, like for example butt lifting shapewear. Then you will call Waistdear to provide you with the product stock necessary to start sales.
RO: Probabil va intrebati de ce v-am recomandat acest furnizor. Ei bine, am ales in primul rand un furnizor in care am incredere, de la care am comandat si am primit mereu ce am cerut si in al doilea rand un furnizor care are oferte si produse. In perioada aceasta exista campania de reduceri Waistdear halloween sale. Asta inseamna ca putem cumpara produse la pret redus sau sa facem diverse combinatii pentru ca la final pretul comenzii sa fie mai mic. Stiu ca poate parea dificil, dar dupa ce aruncati o privire pe site-ul lor veto vedea ca este logic. In plus asta inseamna ca veti oferi clientilor acces la un numar foarte mare de produse de toate marimile si modelele.
ENG: You are probably wondering why I recommended this supplier. Well, first of all, I chose a supplier that I trust, from whom I ordered and always received what I asked for, and secondly, a supplier that has offers and products. During this period, there is the shapewear Halloween sale campaign. This means that we can buy products at a reduced price or make various combinations so that in the end the price of the order is lower. I know it may seem difficult, but after you take a look at their veto website, you see that it is logical. In addition, this means that you will give customers access to a very large number of products of all sizes and models.
RO: Reducerile din aceasta perioada sunt chiar peste 50% ceea ce pentru mine inseamna un lucru fantastic. Nu uitati ca voi nu trebuie sa va legati de pretul produsului redus, ci de pretul intreg. In felul acesta orice promotie de care beneficiati va reprezenta o crestere a profitului. Restul depinde doar de voi cat de mult va doriti sa fie castigul vostru. Acestea fiind spuse sper ca ati aflat raspunsul la intrebarea „Why choose waistdear wholesale shapewear supplier?”.
ENG: The discounts during this period are even over 50%, which for me means a fantastic thing. Don’t forget that you don’t have to commit to the reduced price of the product, but to the full price. In this way, any promotion you benefit from will represent an increase in profit. The rest depends only on you, how much you want your profit to be. Having said that, I hope you found the answer to the question „Why choose waistdear wholesale shapewear supplier?”.